Research InterestsSA 

The main interest of our research group rests on the acute and chronic combined effects of different resistance training interventions and supplementation or restrictive diets on: (a) muscle strength and power; (b) muscle architecture; (c) muscle and blood oxygenation and volume; (d) selected health indicators such endothelial function, blood pressure and lipemic profile. These effects are studied in athletes, non-athletes, aging adults and individuals with different special needs.

Our projects are supported by two major federal and state granting agencies respectively, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, Brasil) and Carlos Chagas Filho Research Foundation from Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ, Rio de Janeiro).

Major Studies Underway:

  1. Effects of resistance training with blood flow restriction on hemodynamic and muscle architecture responses of asymptomatic adults
  2. Acute and chronic effects of different training stimuli (resistance training, whole-body vibration loads, stretching and electrical stimulation) on flexibility, muscle strength and architecture;
  3. Combined acute and chronic effects of resistance training and restrictive diet or supplementation on health indicators (endothelial function, lipemic profile, blood pressure etc.), muscle strength and architecture of obese, aging and  hypertensive or asymptomatic adults;
  4. Acute and chronic effects of different stretching methods on flexibility, strength performance and changes in muscle architecture in active and non active individuals 
  5. Acute and chronic effects of the post activation potentialization (complex training) on strength, speed and muscle architecture athletes and non athletes.

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